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10239 1

Ball in a Bowl

Particle accelerator. Hula hoop meets spinning coins: balls orbit inside the sphere. Circular movements propel the two balls onto their orbits within the…

10034 Haupt

Beam Bridge

The simplest form, but not the most stable. This bridge demonstrates the forces acting on a straight beam when it is loaded and supported only at its two…

10459 1

Bicycle Wheel Gyroscope

Speed and Balance. Not so easy: Riding a bike slowly while maintaining balance. Much easier: Pedaling fast and staying steady. But why? Quickly spinning…

10051 1


Reaching High. Pull the rope with the handle firmly downward – immediately, the flywheel pulls the rope and handle back up. It works like a yo-yo, but in…

10032 Haupt

Bridge the Gap

Building bridges is not so easy - especially when you are not allowed to use nails, screws or glue! Here you only have nine identical wooden blocks at your…

10225 Phänomen

Catenary Arch

Building solid – like the Romans. An arch as a delicate structure: reconstructing what the Romans perfected. Understanding what gives their elegant arches…

11314 Chembongo Haupt


A stone with a mind of its own. This giant “Celtic rocking stone” (Chembongo) behaves peculiarly: when nudged, it starts to rotate. Turned the wrong way, it…

10060 1

Coriolis Fountain

Water with a surprising twist. If we spin around while holding the garden hose, the water jet seems to "bend." The jet follows the hose. The jet follows the…

10312 1

Counter-Balanced Pendulum

This is how a pendulum swings on the Moon. We cannot change Earth’s gravity. But we can simulate a change in gravitational force by adjusting a movable weight…

10229 1

Crushing Mill

Rolling in rotation. Three brass wheels rotate in a circle, like on a carousel. As they spin around their shared vertical axis, they are pulled toward the…

11495 Haupt

David versus Goliath

Who is stronger? Push the plunger down. Which of you feels like Goliath and which feels like David? The air pressure is the same in both cylinders. Their…

10083 1

Double Gyroscope

Spin = angular momentum or torque. The angular momentum of a top moves – whether spun forward or backward – in the direction of the axis of rotation. How does…

11835 1

Falling Water

Splash! From the cube of the Wonder Bridge, five tons of water plunge into the void. Part of the water is propelled through a halfpipe, soaring well beyond…

11830 1

Get the wrong end of the stick?

Levers in Action. Can one person lift three others? On this seesaw, the lever works in your favor. Even if the others are much heavier, the seat plate « on…

10166 Gravitationsmodell oder Der Potetialtopf Haupt

Gravitational model or Energy Well

The potential well. Orbiting the gravitational center: once launched, the ball takes wide rounds. For minutes, it gradually accelerates. Its circles become…

Kreiselkoffer Standardbild

Gyroscope in a Suitcase

A stubborn companion. Quite heavy, this suitcase. And somehow, it seems to resist the journey. It bucks, pulls to the other side. It swerves, tips upward, as…

11945 Detail I

Hovering between extremes

Experience the electrostatic force. Can the polystyrene ball float between the upper and lower hemispheres? No, but it can jump back and forth between…

10453 Haupt

Inverted Foucault Pendulum

From this point of view … North Pole, Winterthur, Equator: The inclination of the tube containing a thin oscillating rod can be adjusted. Additionally, the…

10314 1

Jupiter Pendulum

Moon: sluggish. Jupiter: frantic. The stronger the gravity, the faster pendulums swing. Their oscillation period does not depend on their mass but on the…

10053 Haupt

Loose Stone Bridge

Brilliantly strong and simple. Loose stones, assembled in the correct order, form a bridge capable of bearing weight. Even in a small format, it can support…

10278 Haupt

Machine with Concrete / Machine set in Stone

The Eternity Machine. Twelve worm gear mechanisms for eternity! An impressive example of mathematics illustrated mechanically. With each successive gear, the…

11510 Detail II

Magdeburg hemispheres

Air out! Hemispheres become inseparable. Through vacuum pressure, two hemispheres joined into one cannot be separated anymore. The experiment of the mayor of…

11983 Haupt

Magnetic balance

Floating through diamagnetism. Underneath a large ring magnet is a transparent box with a small magnetic cube and a base made of graphite. At exactly the…

11959 Haupt II

Magnetic repulsion

North pole against north pole. A slight change in the distance between two magnets has a major effect on the force between them. The closer they come, the…

10280 Haupt

Maxwell’s Wheel

A giant yo-yo. Pretty big and quite heavy, this flywheel. As it spins, the textile band wraps around its hub. The band shortens and pulls the wheel…

10087 1

Momentum Machine

Pirouette – an elegant trick. Sometimes fast, sometimes slow, and then breathtakingly fast again – and all these variations in a fluid movement. How do…

11827 1


Reduced Gravity. What does it feel like to jump on the Moon? Try it here! A small effort is enough for a big leap. Here, gravity is reduced to one-sixth,…

10308 1

Pendulums of Varying Weights

Experiment like Galileo. Does a heavy pendulum swing faster than a light one? An exciting comparison! With a weight in its center, a pendulum certainly…

10354 1

Resonant Pendulum

260 kilos in motion, effortlessly. It’s quite heavy, this steel block on a rope. Yet, a small magnet is enough to set it swinging! Finesse beats force:…

11006 1


Strong Like Obelix! This "menhir" weighs five tons – yet you can move it effortlessly. The secret? The rod is perfectly mounted inside the stone, allowing it…

11555 1

Rodeo Gyroscope

Rock, rock, oh wow! Take a seat, the flywheel spins. The seat lowers – affecting the axis of this gyroscope. The gyroscope reacts to this change. It tilts…

10088 1

Rotating Chair with Bicycle Wheel Gyroscope

Turning left: pull the handlebars to the right. When initiating a left turn on the bicycle, we pull the handlebars slightly to the right. At a certain speed,…

10089 Drehstuhl mit elektrischem Doppelkreisel Haupt

Rotating Chair with electric double Gyroscope

Disk in motion. Chair with spin. The station drives the two disks of the double gyroscope. If both rotate in the same direction, the rotating chair…

10386 Phänomen

Soap Bubble Basin

Loooong bubbles For kids big and small: form soap bubbles several meters long. Sometimes, a bubble stretches into a tube large enough for a child to fit…

10300 Haupt

Surface Tension

Clear and tangible. Astonishingly strong, the forces acting on the surface of the water. Slowly pull a metal ring out of the water: you can see how the…

11049 1

Switch-over Pendulum

Mathematical and Physical Pendulums. Here, you can switch between the two pendulums: If the disk at the center of the pendulum rod can rotate freely, it does…

11833 1

Tit for tat

This exhibit is not accessible during the winter months. When it stands still, this "water carousel" actually looks quite normal. However, when the carousel is…

10287 1

Vertical Mobiles (Chaotic Pendulums)

Chaotic pendulums. Length and amplitude: the behavior of a simple pendulum can be precisely described. No randomness involved. Add another pendulum, then one…

Bild Coriolis Karussell

Coriolis Carousel

And yet it moves! Astonishing phenomena are revealed when one earth day only lasts four seconds.

more to browse
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Aggregate states

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Animals, plants, habitats

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Atomic and quantum physics

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Atomic structure

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Characteristics of life

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Chemical Reactions

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Computer science

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Data and information

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Design elements

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Earth sciences

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Electricity and energy

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Electricity and magnetism

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