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10428 Phänomen

Dancing iron particles

«Dancing Trees» 81 electromagnets are covered with fine iron dust. The electromagnets can be controlled either via a sensor surface or via prepared programmes…

11985 Haupt

Electromagnetic cannon

Which ring flies the furthest? The electromagnetic cannon consists of a coil with an iron core that can be abruptly energised at the push of a button. If…

11982 Detail

Electromagnetic puppet theatre

Electricity moves magnets. Three stations each contain four coils whose frequency and phase shift can be adjusted. Figures with magnetic legs can be placed on…

11973 Detail

Electromagnetic railway

Electric current produces a magnetic field. A track with a magnetic toy train on it runs through a large coil. At the push of a button, current flows through…

11972 Haupt

Falling tiles

Braking with Eddy Currents. Various metal plates are dropped between two rows of magnets. The magnets generate eddy currents in the plates that slow them…

11957 Detail

Field detector

Search for electromagnetic waves. The fields are made audible by loudspeakers on the detectors. They can be found especially in the vicinity of electronic…

11974 Detail

Generator track

A magnet generates electric current. A track with a magnetic toy railway on it runs through a large coil. When the toy track is moved in the coil, a current…

11991 Detail

Magnet in copper bar

«Floating in Copper» The two copper rods hang in space like a split log. Between them is a magnet that can be made to float with the help of a second magnet…

11992 Haupt

Magnetic diversity

«Visitor Magnet» There are many electromagnetic objects in this large box. Everyone can explore for themselves where the phenomena can be found and how they…

11970 Haupt

Musical antenna

Play with the Field. A large antenna registers the changes in its own electric field when people enter it. The changes are made audible as sounds. In this…

10594 Ilustration alt

Radar Reflector

When light strikes a rough surface it is reflected all over the place. Now polish that surface to cut out all the diffuse radiation, and you get a mirror off…

11953 Haupt

Soft landing

Confidence in Eddy Currents. Here you can let yourself fall backwards and rely on the braking effect of eddy current. Two strong magnets are attached to a…

11956 Haupt

Sorting machine

Separation using Eddy Currents. The sorting machine uses magnets to sort different coins according to their conductivity. To do this, the magnets are moved…

11980 Phänomen


Hovering in the cold. Together with a Technorama employee, various experiments with superconductors can be carried out here.

11025 Haupt


Solar wind – particle shower – aurora borealis. Terra = Earth. Terrella is its diminutive form. But this one packs a punch! The small metallic globe at the…

10121 Haupt

The Faraday Effect

Magnetic field affects polarization direction. Here, light is polarized by a filter and then sent through a liquid. On the other side, another polarizing…

11971 Haupt

The twist with the coil

Current using earth’s magnetic field. A coil is rotated in the earth's magnetic field and thereby generates current. The current generated depends on the…

10862 1

What is Polarization?

Light and oscillations. Normal, unpolarized light is a mixture of light waves with different oscillation directions. When all light waves have the same…

IMG 0913 überarb

Do not try this @home – microwaves

In this day and age everything has to be done quickly, and the microwave undoubtedly helps save a lot of time! But how does this appliance actually work? Why…

Magnetic Suction Main

Magnetic Suction

Ding dong! This investigation shows how your doorbell works. Have you ever wondered how an old-style doorbell works? This Snack shows you how. A coil of wire…

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Aggregate states

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Animals, plants, habitats

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Atomic and quantum physics

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Atomic structure

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Characteristics of life

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Chemical Reactions

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Computer science

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Data and information

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Design elements

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Earth sciences

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Electricity and energy

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Electricity and magnetism

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