Observe the bustling activity of ants as they move through a large enclosure performing various tasks. This is made of transparent material so that visitors…
Bakterien als Künstler - Damen
Creative Microorganisms A narrow aquarium is filled with sediment from an old pond. In its various layers and under different aerobic and anaerobic…
Bakterien als Künstler - Herren
Goal-oriented grass
Growing in the Right Direction. Plants, such as grasses, have cells that perceive gravity. This enables them to recognize where above and below is, and they…
Hot heap
Life generates Heat. The living organisms contained in a compost heap, such as bacteria and fungi, break down dead organic material and thereby gain energy…
Love is in the air
Flower pollen grains under the electron microscope When magnified, inconspicuous pollen reveals a fascinating variety of structures with an almost artistic…
Unattractive Survival. The leaves of the mimosa fold up as soon as you touch them. With this survival strategy the mimosa protects itself from predators,…
Pass and become
Everything gets Recycled. Skin beetles and their larvae feed on dead animals. They ensure that carcasses are rapidly decomposed and nutrients are…
Teeming world in water
Struggle for Survival on the Small Scale. A sample from the stream in Technorama Park contains different organisms. Even with the naked eye you can see it…
Aquatic animals - organisms in the stream and pond
When talking about animals in streams and ponds, children usually think of fish and frogs. The fact that there are other animals in these habitats that are…
Asseln unter der Lupe - inklusiv
Asseln sind bestimmt keine besonders beliebten Haustiere – umso mehr eignen sie sich aber als Einstieg in die Tierkunde. Was machen eigentlich Zoologen, deren…
In murky waters - bioindication
How do we actually know how healthy a body of water is? Researchers use biological diversity as a criterion for water quality, among other things. Based on the…
Individual school projects at the REM
Matura work or class projects Whether pollen for checking honey quality or as templates for design objects, detailed illustrations of insects and plant…
Listen up! - Directional listening
The cat lies on the couch, eyes closed. Only the ears move slightly and turn in the direction from which they perceive a sound. Why can some creatures move…
Pumps and pipelines – water transport in trees
Just like other plants, trees also need water to survive. But how do trees “drink”? How do they absorb water? And how do they transport it from their roots to…
The beauty in the beast – scientific methods
It is safe to say that isopoda (woodlice) are not the most popular pets – but they are all the more useful for zoology. What do zoologists actually do when…
What do you see? – Function of the eye
We make eyes at someone, but keep an eye on others. We can turn a blind eye and sometimes get away with just a black eye. But the myriad of idiomatic…
Where am I? – Bioelectric orientation
Migratory birds find their way south by means of magnetoreception, bats create an “aural picture” of their surroundings by means of echolocation and certain…
Make a home for a colorful community of microorganisms. This endlessly fascinating living artwork reveals the colorful microorganisms living in the mud and…
Disappearing Act
If you want to stay hidden, you’d better stay still. Some animals blend in with their surroundings so well that they’re nearly impossible to see. Only when…
Seed Germinator
Watch the life of a plant embryo unfold. What goes on underground when seeds are sprouting? Make yourself a window into the process of plant development.
Aggregate states
Atomic and quantum physics
Atomic structure
Characteristics of life
Chemical Reactions
Computer science
Data and information
Design elements
Earth sciences
Electricity and energy
Electricity and magnetism