Action at -200°C – gases
We are constantly surrounded by gases – even if we cannot see them. We breathe them in and breathe them out, use some and produce others. Gases are fascinating…
Cold, colder, shock freezing – ice cream in three minutes
Need an ice cream? We only use natural ingredients and freeze them with liquid nitrogen (minus 196 °C!) in no time to a fruity delicacy. Who can say no to a…
Discoveries in daily life – experiments with candles
The phenomena that can be observed with a lighted candle engender a wide range of topics in natural sciences. The flame of a candle not only fascinates us, it…
Entdeckung im Alltäglichen - Experimente mit Kerzen - inklusiv
Die Phänomene, die sich bei einer brennenden Kerze beobachten lassen, führen zu vielen verschiedenen Themen in den Naturwissenschaften. Kerzen lassen uns…
Kalt, kälter, schockfrosten - inklusiv
Ein Glace gefällig? Wir verwenden nur natürliche Zutaten und frosten diese mit flüssigem Stickstoff (minus 196 °C!) in Nullkommanix zu einer fruchtigen…
Dancing Water Drop
Leidenfrost Phenomenon. The water droplet lasts surprisingly long when it falls onto a scorching hot plate. It zips across the 280-degree surface, carried by…
Icy Bodies
Comet Rain Dry ice doesn’t melt when it warms up. It turns directly into a gas, and very quickly too. This gas shoots out of the small fragments involved…
Hovering in the cold. Together with a Technorama employee, various experiments with superconductors can be carried out here.
Watch Water Freeze / Ice Flowers
Watch Water Freeze Crystals form on the cold surface, like frost flowers on windows, a sight we see less often thanks to better insulation. Here, you can see…
Sigi's phenomenal oxgen show
The new oxygen show with the world-famous science show expert Sigi Hornbacher.
Animals, plants, habitats
Atomic and quantum physics
Atomic structure
Characteristics of life
Chemical Reactions
Computer science
Data and information
Design elements
Earth sciences
Electricity and energy
Electricity and magnetism