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Action bei minus 200 grad celsius 01

Action at -200°C – gases

We are constantly surrounded by gases – even if we cannot see them. We breathe them in and breathe them out, use some and produce others. Gases are fascinating…

Cake Lab

CakeLab – function of baking ingredients

“Pat-a-cake pat-a-cake, baker’s man. Bake me a cake as fast as you can…” This popular nursery rhyme might be one way to bake a cake. But there are also other…


Chocolate atelier – The secret of Swiss Chocolate

Cocoa beans were already consumed at the time of the Aztecs and the Mayas, and chocolate has remained a bestseller for centuries. And it is equally clear that…

IMG 8510

Cold, colder, shock freezing – ice cream in three minutes

Need an ice cream? We only use natural ingredients and freeze them with liquid nitrogen (minus 196 °C!) in no time to a fruity delicacy. Who can say no to a…

Spurensicherung expo

CSI Technorama – forensics

Regardless of whether it is a burglary, an accident or a felony, crime scene investigations always begin with securing the evidence. Are there fingerprints?…


Discoveries in daily life – experiments with candles

The phenomena that can be observed with a lighted candle engender a wide range of topics in natural sciences. The flame of a candle not only fascinates us, it…

IMG 0913 überarb

Do not try this @home - Mikrowelle inklusiv

In unserer Zeit muss alles schnell gehen. Wie hilfreich ist da die Mikrowelle! Aber wie funktioniert dieses Gerät eigentlich? Und warum kann man darin keine…

IMG 0913 überarb

Do not try this @home – microwaves

In this day and age everything has to be done quickly, and the microwave undoubtedly helps save a lot of time! But how does this appliance actually work? Why…


Entdeckung im Alltäglichen - Experimente mit Kerzen - inklusiv

Die Phänomene, die sich bei einer brennenden Kerze beobachten lassen, führen zu vielen verschiedenen Themen in den Naturwissenschaften. Kerzen lassen uns…


Erratic nature – excitation of atoms

Physics lessons in mainstream school education were extremely limited during the 20th century – especially when it came to expensive and complex experiments.…


Happy hour on the ISS – water purification

Even astronauts on the International Space Station ISS enjoy drinking a Campari Soda from time to time – but where do they get the soda water from? There is no…

Atome sehen 2

Have you ever seen an atom? – Atomic dimensions

Physics lessons in mainstream school education were extremely limited during the 20th century – especially when it came to expensive and complex experiments.…


Individual school projects at the REM

Matura work or class projects Whether pollen for checking honey quality or as templates for design objects, detailed illustrations of insects and plant…

Workshop Kalt kälter

Kalt, kälter, schockfrosten - inklusiv

Ein Glace gefällig? Wir verwenden nur natürliche Zutaten und frosten diese mit flüssigem Stickstoff (minus 196 °C!) in Nullkommanix zu einer fruchtigen…


Lighting effects in nature and the home – fluorescence

How can you light up fluorescent objects? Where do lighting effects occur? You extract fluorescent dyes from everyday objects like pudding mixes or laundry…


Making it big – microscopy

Astronomers use the telescope to study the vast universe, and biologists use the microscope to examine microorganisms. But under the microscope we can also see…

Koffein 002

Powerbooster - Instrumental Analytics

A whole range of drinks such as coffee, energy drinks and coke contain caffeine. Even in small doses, this substance can temporarily eliminate tiredness and…

Strahlende Einsichten

Radiant insights – radioactivity

CERN in Geneva, the catastrophe in Fukushima, new radiotherapies for treating cancer – atomic and nuclear physics are constantly discovering new findings that…


Slippery, a little disgusting, but tasty - Alginat

Scientific techniques and know-how from the chemistry laboratory also open up creative possibilities for the preparation of food. Engage in art, cooking and…


Spark, flame, fire - optimize combustion

"Everything is completely burned, the poor child with skin and hair." The sad story of Paulinchen from Struwwelpeter is well known. And yet we are so…


Step by step - Language of the robots

Access to a foreign country is always through language. If we want to find our way around in this country and communicate, we have to learn its language. The…


Sweet, sour, salty, bitter, umami – PCR

Do we all really taste the same thing when we bite into a hot dog? And if not, what role do our genes play? PCR stands for polymerase chain reaction. This is a…


Tracking atoms – composition of matter

Physics lessons in mainstream school education were extremely limited during the 20th century – especially when it came to expensive and complex experiments.…

Pulver1 expo

Unknown substance – chemical analysis

We come across numerous substances in the form of a white powder on a daily basis. Most of the time we can identify the powder by tasting it or smelling it,…

WS Villa Kunterbunt Farbenchemie 1

Villa Kunterbung - Farbchemie inklusiv

Rot und gelb macht blau, widdewiddewitt und grau macht grün! Warum Rotkohl sowohl Blau als auch Rot sein kann, hat seinen Grund in der Chemie. Farben spielen…

WS Villa Kunterbunt Farbenchemie 1

Villa Villekulia – colour chemistry

Red and yellow make blue, diddle diddle dee, and grey makes green! The reason why red cabbage can be both red and blue has everything to do with…

Agar Cell Diffusion DSC 0413 P960

Agar Cell Diffusion

Use cubes of agar to investigate how size impacts diffusion. All biological cells require the transport of materials across the plasma membrane into and out of…

Having A Gas Main

Having a Gas with Water

Use electricity to break water into its elemental components. Build a simple electrolysis device using a 9-volt battery wrapped in oil-based modeling clay,…

Indicating Electrolysis Main

Indicating Electrolysis

Breaking up (water) isn't hard to do. Break up water into hydrogen and oxygen gas with a simple electrolysis device, and use an acid-base indicator and a…

Separation Anxiety Main

Separation Anxiety

Use water to learn about black magic…markers. By using color chromatography—a technique that uses capillary action to separate different types of ink at…

Your Sense Of Taste Main

Your Sense of Taste

Discover the real taste of candy. Think of some of your favorite tastes: savory Thanksgiving turkey, buttery mashed potatoes, tangy cranberry sauce, and warmly…

11946 Detail


4.4 trillion atoms = about 1 gram. In the display case, you see an ampoule filled with argon gas and – seven barium pieces. Each of these small pieces…

10525 Haupt

Chance Happenings

Capturing randomness – with dice. Four faces of these dice are white. The other two faces show a red circle. After each roll, the dice with the red circle…

10433 Haupt

Cloud Chamber

Particle Zoo: Ever seen a muon? Electrically charged particles are not directly visible, even in the diffusion cloud chamber. However, alpha and beta…

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Cubes cubed

Pull on the cord to create a translucent cube. Keep on pulling to make it grow. Inside the kaleidoscope, it expands backwards as well as forwards so it grows…

10082 Haupt

Double Refraction in Calcite Crystals

Viewed through Iceland spar: The lettering appears doubled. Light entering this Iceland spar calcite crystal is split into two beams with opposite…

10210 Phänomen

Icy Bodies

Comet Rain Dry ice doesn’t melt when it warms up. It turns directly into a gas, and very quickly too. This gas shoots out of the small fragments involved…

11983 Haupt

Magnetic balance

Floating through diamagnetism. Underneath a large ring magnet is a transparent box with a small magnetic cube and a base made of graphite. At exactly the…

11039 Detail

Neon Sinfonie

Pattern effect in plasma. A shimmering glass chalice – filled with fans of light. The "Plasma Chalice" demonstrates, in this chalice with an extremely long…

11904 Haupt

Seeing atoms

Ion Trap: One of a kind worldwide! Invisible particles, which we otherwise know only from textbook illustrations, become visible here. In an ion trap,…

10553 Haupt


Elements and their colors. Distinguishing individual hues from a color impression: it’s as challenging as identifying individual instruments in an orchestra.…

11980 Phänomen


Hovering in the cold. Together with a Technorama employee, various experiments with superconductors can be carried out here.

11864 Haupt

The big is in the small: crystals

Amazing Order Shake it, please. When the balls come to rest, they arrange themselves into regular patterns. These patterns can be compacted, almost to…

11430 1

Triad - metal, stone, wood

This exhibit is not accessible during the winter months. It is amazing what sound is produced by striking the stone slabs, the metal pipes and the wooden…

10975 Haupt

Watch Water Freeze / Ice Flowers

Watch Water Freeze Crystals form on the cold surface, like frost flowers on windows, a sight we see less often thanks to better insulation. Here, you can see…

11035 Detail

White Plasma Plume

Art with the fourth state of matter. Beautiful, this work by Wayne Strattman. Elegant, the glowing white plumes in “White Plasma Plumes” as they move.…

Bild Sigis Sauerstoff Show

Sigi's phenomenal oxgen show

The new oxygen show with the world-famous science show expert Sigi Hornbacher.

more to browse
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Aggregate states

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Animals, plants, habitats

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Atomic and quantum physics

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Atomic structure

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Characteristics of life

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Chemical Reactions

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Computer science

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Data and information

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Design elements

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Earth sciences

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Electricity and energy

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Electricity and magnetism

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