847 Compass needles
Magnetic Domains. There are 847 compass needles attached to a disc. Because they are so close together, they influence each other. With a magnet, the compass…
Blitzespiegel - Damen
Observe a Reflection, Watch Lightning Location: 2nd floor, staircase 1 (near the entrance)
Blue Lightning Tube
by Wayne Strattman Somewhat oversized, but in principle a transparent fluorescent tube with an unorthodox gas filling. It is under relatively high pressure so…
Coupled magnetic sculpture
Transmit motion without contact. Magnets are attached to the spokes of several wheels, which influence each other. If you turn one of the wheels, the…
Dancing iron particles
«Dancing Trees» 81 electromagnets are covered with fine iron dust. The electromagnets can be controlled either via a sensor surface or via prepared programmes…
Electric circuit
What conducts electricity and what does not? What is an electrical circuit? With small, individual electrical components, you can build simple circuits…
Electromagnetic cannon
Which ring flies the furthest? The electromagnetic cannon consists of a coil with an iron core that can be abruptly energised at the push of a button. If…
Electromagnetic puppet theatre
Electricity moves magnets. Three stations each contain four coils whose frequency and phase shift can be adjusted. Figures with magnetic legs can be placed on…
Electromagnetic railway
Electric current produces a magnetic field. A track with a magnetic toy train on it runs through a large coil. At the push of a button, current flows through…
Electrostatic dance
Polystyrene ballet. A plastic plate is rubbed against a leather surface and thus electrostatically charged. The plastic plate is then placed on a copper…
Emotion detector
Measuring skin resistance. The skin resistance is influenced by the subject's emotions: the stronger the emotions, the lower the resistance. Here, the skin…
Falling tiles
Braking with Eddy Currents. Various metal plates are dropped between two rows of magnets. The magnets generate eddy currents in the plates that slow them…
Feeling current
How strong is the effect of electricity? Here you can feel the sensation of electric current. To do this, you place two fingers on two contacts and increase…
Field detector
Search for electromagnetic waves. The fields are made audible by loudspeakers on the detectors. They can be found especially in the vicinity of electronic…
Floating Top
Magic without tricks. With the help of a Technorama employee, a magnetic spinning top is set in motion. The spinning top can then be made to hover above a…
Generator track
A magnet generates electric current. A track with a magnetic toy railway on it runs through a large coil. When the toy track is moved in the coil, a current…
High-voltage slide
Triboelectricity. A slide and its platform stand on several large insulators. Anyone who slides down is electrostatically charged. If you then touch the…
Hovering between extremes
Experience the electrostatic force. Can the polystyrene ball float between the upper and lower hemispheres? No, but it can jump back and forth between…
Human electrical circuit
Current flows through you. Several cubes with metal surfaces are placed near a larger cube. If you connect the surfaces of the cubes with your body, current…
In urina musica - Herren
Water Music The urinal contains an electronic device. Depending on the contact point and intensity, the urine stream triggers various sensors that produce…
Inner magnetic structures
Magnetic Domains under the Microscope. With the help of a microscope, the magnetic structures ("domains") inside a magnetisable platelet are made…
by Bernd Weinmayer A group of glass jellyfish - glassblowing art of the highest order - filled with colourful glowing neon and a few promillen of argon -…
Ju-Ju Bees
As if by magic: glowing bugs. Inside a double-walled glass bowl filled with noble gas lie dozens of modified light bulbs, also filled with noble gas. A simple…
Kneading with magnets
Attractively repulsive. In a bowl there are two strong horn magnets and a large quantity of small iron discs. The iron discs become magnetised near the…
Luminous sculptures
Three dimensional circuits. Two contacts are attached to each of three stations, which can be connected with the help of magnetic rods and iron balls. The…
Magnet in copper bar
«Floating in Copper» The two copper rods hang in space like a split log. Between them is a magnet that can be made to float with the help of a second magnet…
Magnetic balance
Floating through diamagnetism. Underneath a large ring magnet is a transparent box with a small magnetic cube and a base made of graphite. At exactly the…
Magnetic building blocks
Unconventional building blocks. There is a magnet in each of the different building blocks. Depending on the position of the poles, the building blocks can…
Magnetic clouds
Fascinating iron dust. In an aquarium there is fine iron powder that can be attracted from the outside with a magnet. The iron powder can thus be pulled up…
Magnetic diversity
«Visitor Magnet» There are many electromagnetic objects in this large box. Everyone can explore for themselves where the phenomena can be found and how they…
Magnetic repulsion
North pole against north pole. A slight change in the distance between two magnets has a major effect on the force between them. The closer they come, the…
Multi-Color Luminglas
Glowing spider webs to lightning storms. "Multi-Color Luminglas™️" is a sandwich of glass plates filled with glass beads coated with phosphor. The interior…
Musical antenna
Play with the Field. A large antenna registers the changes in its own electric field when people enter it. The changes are made audible as sounds. In this…
Neon Sinfonie
Pattern effect in plasma. A shimmering glass chalice – filled with fans of light. The "Plasma Chalice" demonstrates, in this chalice with an extremely long…
Pedal generator
Generate electricity yourself. The pedal generator can make you sweat quite a bit just to boil a sip of water. How much (pedal) power do you think it takes…
Pins in a magnetic field
Reverse the polarity of the earth. Inside a transparent sphere is a very strong magnet. Iron pins can be held or placed outside the sphere. These align…
Plasma columns
Influence the clouds of mist. A red glowing plasma is generated in two glass columns by an electric field. If you touch the column, you change the electric…
Plasma Top
No cable – and yet it glows! When placed on a curved glass surface, the noble gas inside the sealed spinning top transitions into plasma, energized by the…
Plasmaspiegel - Herren
Control the Lightning A plasma tube is installed around the sink mirror. The lightning bolts can be influenced by touch. Location: 2nd floor, staircase 1…
Radar Reflector
When light strikes a rough surface it is reflected all over the place. Now polish that surface to cut out all the diffuse radiation, and you get a mirror off…
Rotating magnets
Hovering through rotation. One magnet is set into rapid rotation. If you now approach a second magnet to the rotating one, the second one starts to rotate as…
Soft landing
Confidence in Eddy Currents. Here you can let yourself fall backwards and rely on the braking effect of eddy current. Two strong magnets are attached to a…
Light becomes electric energy. The elements in this mobile each contain a solar cell and an electric motor. If you point the light of a lamp at one of the…
Sorting machine
Separation using Eddy Currents. The sorting machine uses magnets to sort different coins according to their conductivity. To do this, the magnets are moved…
Still Empty
“Still Empty”: The attempt to fill a glass with light. What a Sisyphean task! The beam (plasma, a secret mixture of noble gases) continuously flows into the…
Hovering in the cold. Together with a Technorama employee, various experiments with superconductors can be carried out here.
Swimming with the current
Single-cell organisms swim around in a chamber under a microscope. At the push of a button, the chamber can be put under voltage. The single-celled organisms…
Solar wind – particle shower – aurora borealis. Terra = Earth. Terrella is its diminutive form. But this one packs a punch! The small metallic globe at the…
The Faraday Effect
Magnetic field affects polarization direction. Here, light is polarized by a filter and then sent through a liquid. On the other side, another polarizing…
The twist with the coil
Current using earth’s magnetic field. A coil is rotated in the earth's magnetic field and thereby generates current. The current generated depends on the…
What is Polarization?
Light and oscillations. Normal, unpolarized light is a mixture of light waves with different oscillation directions. When all light waves have the same…
White Plasma Plume
Art with the fourth state of matter. Beautiful, this work by Wayne Strattman. Elegant, the glowing white plumes in “White Plasma Plumes” as they move.…
Do not try this @home - Mikrowelle inklusiv
In unserer Zeit muss alles schnell gehen. Wie hilfreich ist da die Mikrowelle! Aber wie funktioniert dieses Gerät eigentlich? Und warum kann man darin keine…
Do not try this @home – microwaves
In this day and age everything has to be done quickly, and the microwave undoubtedly helps save a lot of time! But how does this appliance actually work? Why…
Electrical Fleas
Start your own electric flea circus. You’re probably familiar with some of the effects of static electricity: It makes sparks when you comb your hair on a cold…
Hand Battery
Your skin and two different metals create a battery. When you place your hands on metal plates, you and the plates form a battery. The current generated by…
Having a Gas with Water
Use electricity to break water into its elemental components. Build a simple electrolysis device using a 9-volt battery wrapped in oil-based modeling clay,…
Indicating Electrolysis
Breaking up (water) isn't hard to do. Break up water into hydrogen and oxygen gas with a simple electrolysis device, and use an acid-base indicator and a…
Magnetic Suction
Ding dong! This investigation shows how your doorbell works. Have you ever wondered how an old-style doorbell works? This Snack shows you how. A coil of wire…
Natural History of a lightning flash
A superlative spectacle! Tension runs high in this fascinating play with voltages and currents causing lightning to flicker and copper wires to evaoprate.
Aggregate states
Animals, plants, habitats
Atomic and quantum physics
Atomic structure
Characteristics of life
Chemical Reactions
Computer science
Data and information
Design elements
Earth sciences
Electricity and energy