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11395 Detail

Bell in a Vacuum

This is what astronauts hear on the moon. How do sound waves spread in airless, windless space? Not at all. When astronauts communicate with knocking…

11826 1

Captured Cloud

Swirling Fog. Step into the cloud. It’s pleasantly cool inside. Will you find your way out? In the two half-shells, nozzles spray fine water droplets. It's…

210921 Fernhörer sim

Distant receiver

Big Ear. If the listening horn is well aligned, birds can be heard chirping even from far away. The large dish collects and focuses sound waves, amplifying…

11843 1

Echo Pipe

Hello?! Shouting, calling, whistling, clapping – this tube answers. The returned sound is quite different from the original noise. How long does it take for…

11957 Detail

Field detector

Search for electromagnetic waves. The fields are made audible by loudspeakers on the detectors. They can be found especially in the vicinity of electronic…

11698 1

Giant music box

by Brenda Hutchinson They decide themselves, with the help of small discs, which notes are played and thus create their own melody.

11417 00 Klankkaatser Illu


Hello world? Shaped like a light bulb, resembling a spacecraft capsule: welcome to the Klankkaatser! Is anyone there? The sound waves don’t drift into space;…

10260 1

Lissajous Sounds

What sounds good also looks good. Two small mirrors oscillate at the same frequency as their respective speakers. The frequency of one mirror (and its…

11970 Haupt

Musical antenna

Play with the Field. A large antenna registers the changes in its own electric field when people enter it. The changes are made audible as sounds. In this…

11844 1

Musical Cloudburst

Dry Shower. What’s hitting the umbrella? It’s music! The intensity of the water jet determines the note. The umbrella acts as a loudspeaker. ❄️ Technorama…

11793 Detail

Never-Ending Scale

When the scale descends infinitely… Listen closely, press a key, then the next – and compare. At first glance, identifying the highest note seems easy. Which…

10305 Oszylinderscope Illu

Oscylinderscope (Wave Watch)

Flipbook for vibrating strings. Turn the black drum with white cross stripes and pluck the strings: their vibrations appear as waves, in a magical way. The…

11430 1

Triad - metal, stone, wood

This is music! Comparing the sounds of different materials: this is how stone, metal, and wood resonate. The material, its length, volume, and the strength…

10411 1

Vibrating String

Nodes, loops, nodes, loops. The spring steel plate at the end of the string oscillates a hundred times per second. Lateral movements depend on how strongly we…

11841 1

Water Music

Jam session "Splash Sounds". Experiment with water, improvise with surfaces and pipes, conduct an entire water orchestra: these compositions bear your…

11440 1

Whisper Route

Amplifying Sound. Clearly understandable, even from forty meters away, what your conversation partner is saying. Receiving/Listening: One of the satellite…

Groovy Sounds Main

Groovy Sounds

Build a paper-pencil-pin phonograph. In this classic activity, make a record player out of simple materials and listen to your favorite vinyl LP—no outlet…

Head Harp Main

Head Harp

Learn a little string theory. Wrap a string around your head and pluck it to play music.

Sound Bite Main

Sound Bite

Tune in to tunes with your teeth. When you listen to a radio or music player, you normally hear the sound coming from the speaker or headphones. But sound…

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Aggregate states

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Animals, plants, habitats

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Atomic and quantum physics

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Atomic structure

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Characteristics of life

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Chemical Reactions

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Computer science

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Data and information

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Design elements

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Earth sciences

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Electricity and energy

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Electricity and magnetism

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