Action at -200°C – gases
We are constantly surrounded by gases – even if we cannot see them. We breathe them in and breathe them out, use some and produce others. Gases are fascinating…
Happy hour on the ISS – water purification
Even astronauts on the International Space Station ISS enjoy drinking a Campari Soda from time to time – but where do they get the soda water from? There is no…
Lighting effects in nature and the home – fluorescence
How can you light up fluorescent objects? Where do lighting effects occur? You extract fluorescent dyes from everyday objects like pudding mixes or laundry…
Powerbooster - Instrumental Analytics
A whole range of drinks such as coffee, energy drinks and coke contain caffeine. Even in small doses, this substance can temporarily eliminate tiredness and…
Slippery, a little disgusting, but tasty - Alginat
Scientific techniques and know-how from the chemistry laboratory also open up creative possibilities for the preparation of food. Engage in art, cooking and…
Spark, flame, fire - optimize combustion
"Everything is completely burned, the poor child with skin and hair." The sad story of Paulinchen from Struwwelpeter is well known. And yet we are so…
Unknown substance – chemical analysis
We come across numerous substances in the form of a white powder on a daily basis. Most of the time we can identify the powder by tasting it or smelling it,…
Villa Kunterbung - Farbchemie inklusiv
Rot und gelb macht blau, widdewiddewitt und grau macht grün! Warum Rotkohl sowohl Blau als auch Rot sein kann, hat seinen Grund in der Chemie. Farben spielen…
Villa Villekulia – colour chemistry
Red and yellow make blue, diddle diddle dee, and grey makes green! The reason why red cabbage can be both red and blue has everything to do with…
Sigi's phenomenal oxgen show
The new oxygen show with the world-famous science show expert Sigi Hornbacher.
Aggregate states
Animals, plants, habitats
Atomic and quantum physics
Atomic structure
Characteristics of life
Computer science
Data and information
Design elements
Earth sciences
Electricity and energy
Electricity and magnetism