Chance Happenings
Capturing randomness – with dice. Four faces of these dice are white. The other two faces show a red circle. After each roll, the dice with the red circle…
Cloud Chamber
Particle Zoo: Ever seen a muon? Electrically charged particles are not directly visible, even in the diffusion cloud chamber. However, alpha and beta…
Multi-Color Luminglas
Glowing spider webs to lightning storms. "Multi-Color Luminglas™️" is a sandwich of glass plates filled with glass beads coated with phosphor. The interior…
Particle or Wave
Particle or wave? Both are correct. As an electromagnetic wave, light spreads out with all the typical characteristics of a wave. At the same time, it behaves…
Plasma columns
Influence the clouds of mist. A red glowing plasma is generated in two glass columns by an electric field. If you touch the column, you change the electric…
Seeing atoms
Ion Trap: One of a kind worldwide! Invisible particles, which we otherwise know only from textbook illustrations, become visible here. In an ion trap,…
Elements and their colors. Distinguishing individual hues from a color impression: it’s as challenging as identifying individual instruments in an orchestra.…
White Plasma Plume
Art with the fourth state of matter. Beautiful, this work by Wayne Strattman. Elegant, the glowing white plumes in “White Plasma Plumes” as they move.…
Erratic nature – excitation of atoms
Physics lessons in mainstream school education were extremely limited during the 20th century – especially when it came to expensive and complex experiments.…
Have you ever seen an atom? – Atomic dimensions
Radiant insights – radioactivity
CERN in Geneva, the catastrophe in Fukushima, new radiotherapies for treating cancer – atomic and nuclear physics are constantly discovering new findings that…
Radioactivity in everyday life – natural radiation
Radioactivity is not only in nuclear power plants, but also in common foods like mushrooms and dietary salt, in normal fertilizer for roses and, naturally,…
Tracking atoms – composition of matter
Aggregate states
Animals, plants, habitats
Atomic structure
Characteristics of life
Chemical Reactions
Computer science
Data and information
Design elements
Earth sciences
Electricity and energy
Electricity and magnetism