Do not try this @home – microwaves

In this day and age everything has to be done quickly, and the microwave undoubtedly helps save a lot of time! But how does this appliance actually work? Why does various food reach different tempuratures? And why can’t metal objects be used?

A microwave generates electromagnetic fields. The reaction of food is the focus of this workshop. Of course we will also carry out experiments, which normally are not permitted. Microwaves are not only practical, but also a lot of fun!

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IMG 0913 überarb


Electricity and magnetism


Heat transport


Structure of matter



10594 Ilustration alt

Radar Reflector

When light strikes a rough surface it is reflected all over the place. Now polish that surface to cut out all the diffuse radiation, and you get a mirror off…

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Action bei minus 200 grad celsius 01

Action at -200°C – gases

We are constantly surrounded by gases – even if we cannot see them. We breathe them in and breathe them out, use some and produce others. Gases are fascinating…


Aus Rot und Grün wird ....) Farbmischung mit Kreiseln - inklusiv

bunte Papierscheiben tanzen. Plötzlich sehen wir Farben, die vorher gar nicht da waren. Wie kommt das? Und können wir mit nur drei Farben unsere…

Cake Lab

CakeLab – function of baking ingredients

“Pat-a-cake pat-a-cake, baker’s man. Bake me a cake as fast as you can…” This popular nursery rhyme might be one way to bake a cake. But there are also other…


Chocolate atelier – The secret of Swiss Chocolate

Cocoa beans were already consumed at the time of the Aztecs and the Mayas, and chocolate has remained a bestseller for centuries. And it is equally clear that…

IMG 8510

Cold, colder, shock freezing – ice cream in three minutes

Need an ice cream? We only use natural ingredients and freeze them with liquid nitrogen (minus 196 °C!) in no time to a fruity delicacy. Who can say no to a…

Spurensicherung expo

CSI Technorama – forensics

Regardless of whether it is a burglary, an accident or a felony, crime scene investigations always begin with securing the evidence. Are there fingerprints?…


Discoveries in daily life – experiments with candles

The phenomena that can be observed with a lighted candle engender a wide range of topics in natural sciences. The flame of a candle not only fascinates us, it…

IMG 0913 überarb

Do not try this @home - Mikrowelle inklusiv

In unserer Zeit muss alles schnell gehen. Wie hilfreich ist da die Mikrowelle! Aber wie funktioniert dieses Gerät eigentlich? Und warum kann man darin keine…


Entdeckung im Alltäglichen - Experimente mit Kerzen - inklusiv

Die Phänomene, die sich bei einer brennenden Kerze beobachten lassen, führen zu vielen verschiedenen Themen in den Naturwissenschaften. Kerzen lassen uns…


Erratic nature – excitation of atoms

Physics lessons in mainstream school education were extremely limited during the 20th century – especially when it came to expensive and complex experiments.…


Happy hour on the ISS – water purification

Even astronauts on the International Space Station ISS enjoy drinking a Campari Soda from time to time – but where do they get the soda water from? There is no…

Atome sehen 2

Have you ever seen an atom? – Atomic dimensions

Physics lessons in mainstream school education were extremely limited during the 20th century – especially when it came to expensive and complex experiments.…


Individual school projects at the REM

Matura work or class projects Whether pollen for checking honey quality or as templates for design objects, detailed illustrations of insects and plant…

Workshop Kalt kälter

Kalt, kälter, schockfrosten - inklusiv

Ein Glace gefällig? Wir verwenden nur natürliche Zutaten und frosten diese mit flüssigem Stickstoff (minus 196 °C!) in Nullkommanix zu einer fruchtigen…


Lighting effects in nature and the home – fluorescence

How can you light up fluorescent objects? Where do lighting effects occur? You extract fluorescent dyes from everyday objects like pudding mixes or laundry…


Making it big – microscopy

Astronomers use the telescope to study the vast universe, and biologists use the microscope to examine microorganisms. But under the microscope we can also see…

Koffein 002

Powerbooster - Instrumental Analytics

A whole range of drinks such as coffee, energy drinks and coke contain caffeine. Even in small doses, this substance can temporarily eliminate tiredness and…

Strahlende Einsichten

Radiant insights – radioactivity

CERN in Geneva, the catastrophe in Fukushima, new radiotherapies for treating cancer – atomic and nuclear physics are constantly discovering new findings that…

Natürliche Strahlung

Radioactivity in everyday life – natural radiation

Radioactivity is not only in nuclear power plants, but also in common foods like mushrooms and dietary salt, in normal fertilizer for roses and, naturally,…


Red and green make …? - colour mixing with spinning tops

Mixing colours differently: We build spinning tops and let colourful paper discs dance. Suddenly we see colours that weren't there before. How is that…


Slippery, a little disgusting, but tasty - Alginat

Scientific techniques and know-how from the chemistry laboratory also open up creative possibilities for the preparation of food. Engage in art, cooking and…

Kettenreaktions WS 19

Small building blocks, big effects: Design your chain reaction

A small impulse can change the world. The flap of a butterfly's wings that triggers a hurricane on the other side of the world, or the cry of a mountain…


Spark, flame, fire - optimize combustion

"Everything is completely burned, the poor child with skin and hair." The sad story of Paulinchen from Struwwelpeter is well known. And yet we are so…


Step by step - Language of the robots

Access to a foreign country is always through language. If we want to find our way around in this country and communicate, we have to learn its language. The…