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Action bei minus 200 grad celsius 01

Action at -200°C – gases

We are constantly surrounded by gases – even if we cannot see them. We breathe them in and breathe them out, use some and produce others. Gases are fascinating…

IMG 8510

Cold, colder, shock freezing – ice cream in three minutes

Need an ice cream? We only use natural ingredients and freeze them with liquid nitrogen (minus 196 °C!) in no time to a fruity delicacy. Who can say no to a…


Discoveries in daily life – experiments with candles

The phenomena that can be observed with a lighted candle engender a wide range of topics in natural sciences. The flame of a candle not only fascinates us, it…

IMG 0913 überarb

Do not try this @home - Mikrowelle inklusiv

In unserer Zeit muss alles schnell gehen. Wie hilfreich ist da die Mikrowelle! Aber wie funktioniert dieses Gerät eigentlich? Und warum kann man darin keine…

IMG 0913 überarb

Do not try this @home – microwaves

In this day and age everything has to be done quickly, and the microwave undoubtedly helps save a lot of time! But how does this appliance actually work? Why…


Entdeckung im Alltäglichen - Experimente mit Kerzen - inklusiv

Die Phänomene, die sich bei einer brennenden Kerze beobachten lassen, führen zu vielen verschiedenen Themen in den Naturwissenschaften. Kerzen lassen uns…

Workshop Kalt kälter

Kalt, kälter, schockfrosten - inklusiv

Ein Glace gefällig? Wir verwenden nur natürliche Zutaten und frosten diese mit flüssigem Stickstoff (minus 196 °C!) in Nullkommanix zu einer fruchtigen…

10515 Haupt

Aeolian Landscape

«Aeolian Landscapes» Wind shapes the landscape, just like water and ice do. As the wind sweeps over the sand surface, dune-like ripples form. When their…

10581 Illustration alt

Air Mirror

Sit comfortably and check the stripy view at the end of the road. Now heat up the road. (A solid steel plate rapidly heats to 100°, warming the dark sand of…

10344 Haupt

Ascending magma

«Intrusion» Volcano in cross-section: This is what happens beneath its vent. What looks like magma is actually air-blown glass particles. They behave like a…

11395 Detail

Bell in a Vacuum

This is what astronauts hear on the moon. How do sound waves spread in airless, windless space? Not at all. When astronauts communicate with knocking…

11826 1

Captured Cloud

Swirling Fog. Step into the cloud. It’s pleasantly cool inside. Will you find your way out? In the two half-shells, nozzles spray fine water droplets. It's…

11090 Haupt I

Cartesian Diver

Sinks / Doesn’t Sink Sometimes called a “Cartesian diver,” this hollow body is partially filled with water and air. Depending on the pressure in the liquid,…

10980 Haupt

Changeable Weather

How do you determine the average value of numerous individual measurements? Here, the average monthly rainfall can be determined experimentally.

10521 Detail

Cloud Rings

A cloud maker like no other! The large basin is filled with water mist. Pressing the lid with a hole causes a mist column to rise in the center – up to seven…

10587 Illustration alt

Cold and Warm Light Mirrors

Without protection, the lamp in a slide projector would melt the valuable slide. How can you protect the slides? This exhibit shows the effect of different…

11809 Detail

Cold Test

Four degrees – only relatively cold. Touch the metal rods, please. Yes, they’re really cold. Almost painful. How painful is this brief contact? This…

10027 Haupt

Confused Sea

Master of the Winds. Play the god of winds – Aeolus would be thrilled. The half-sphere of plexiglass is filled with water. The strength of the rotating fan…

10484 1

Convection cells

«Convection Cells» Warm air rises, as does warm liquid. This forces air and moisture to descend in other areas. The structures that form resemble cauliflower…

11046 Illustration alt

Dancing Water Drop

Leidenfrost Phenomenon. The water droplet lasts surprisingly long when it falls onto a scorching hot plate. It zips across the 280-degree surface, carried by…

11495 Haupt

David versus Goliath

Who is stronger? Push the plunger down. Which of you feels like Goliath and which feels like David? The air pressure is the same in both cylinders. Their…

11834 1

Higher and further

Water creates pressure. Water jets spray horizontally from the cylinder at different heights. The lower the nozzle, the higher the water pressure and the…

10181 Phänomen

Hot Spot

Your reflection is really hot! A matter of opinion, obviously. And a matter of perspective. One thing is certain: everyone can find a hot spot here. The…

10210 Phänomen

Icy Bodies

Comet Rain Dry ice doesn’t melt when it warms up. It turns directly into a gas, and very quickly too. This gas shoots out of the small fragments involved…

10520 Detail

Infalling Cloud

«Infalling Cloud» Resembling galactic spiral nebulae, whirling wisps endlessly plunge into the funnel. The water vapor, denser than the surrounding air, is…

10216 Phänomen I

Infrared camera

Feel and See Heat Cold and warm: what we feel is transformed by the infrared camera into a colorful image. This makes temperatures – and temperature…

11510 Detail II

Magdeburg hemispheres

Air out! Hemispheres become inseparable. Through vacuum pressure, two hemispheres joined into one cannot be separated anymore. The experiment of the mayor of…

10457 Phänomen

Make the Invisible Visible

Convection made clear and observable. When water is heated, it expands. It becomes lighter and rises. In the less heated water, it creates swirls. The heat…

11506 Illustration alt

Nothing but air

With a dark field illumination (schlieren optics), the smallest changes in air density (refractive index) are made visible. The apparatus is so large that the…

11980 Phänomen


Hovering in the cold. Together with a Technorama employee, various experiments with superconductors can be carried out here.

11185 Wärmebild Illu

Thermal image

The "temperature-sensitive" mirror image - A thermal imaging camera registers its heat radiation and converts this information into an image: cold areas are…

11829 Illustration

Tricky target well

This exhibit is not accessible during the winter months. Here you have to hit a target in the water with a water jet. To do this, you have to use your combined…

10072 Haupt

Turbulent Orb

Currents and their Shapes Ever spun a globe? Turned by a hand crank, it creates horizontal bands. What happens when the movement slows down? Chaotic, stormy…

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Unerwartete Enthüllung - Herren

Irresistible Lure. The warm urine (about 33 degrees Celsius) causes the black thermochromatic paint in the urinal bowl to disappear. A snake image…

10445 Haupt

Vortex Action in Bottles

Race: Empty the Bottle A simple task: Who can empty their PET bottle faster? Turn the bottle – the rest happens on its own. But it can go even faster. How?…

10518 Haupt

Vortice Cylinder

Whirlpool in a Glass of Water Turn vigorously, please. Driven by the hand crank, the water in the cylinder starts spinning slowly, then faster and…

10975 Haupt

Watch Water Freeze / Ice Flowers

Watch Water Freeze Crystals form on the cold surface, like frost flowers on windows, a sight we see less often thanks to better insulation. Here, you can see…

11328 1

Wind Machine

This exhibit is not accessible during the winter months. A gentle breeze, a stiff wind or even a storm - you hear it all the time, but have you ever…

10514 1

Wind Veil

by Ned Kahn This façade is a real eye-catcher: it makes the movement of the air around us visible in an impressive way. Thousands of small aluminium plates are…

11859 Haupt

Windy Pictures II

Wild Air: Selfie in the headwind. A fan blows air straight into your face. How does it affect you? The photo will show it, to you and your friends, as your…

Cold Metal Main

Cold Metal

"Cold" metal and "warm" wood may be the same temperature. Your hand isn't always a good thermometer. When you touch a variety of materials, some will seem…

Condimentdiver Main

Condiment Diver

To paraphrase French philosopher René Descartes: "I sink, therefore I am." Changes in fluid pressure affect the buoyancy of a Cartesian diver made from a…

Inverted Bottles Main

Inverted Bottles

Watch the rise and fall of hot and cold fluids. Investigate convection by using food coloring and water at different temperatures.

Bild Blitzshow

Natural History of a lightning flash

A superlative spectacle! Tension runs high in this fascinating play with voltages and currents causing lightning to flicker and copper wires to evaoprate.

Bild Sigis Sauerstoff Show

Sigi's phenomenal oxgen show

The new oxygen show with the world-famous science show expert Sigi Hornbacher.

more to browse
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Aggregate states

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Animals, plants, habitats

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Atomic and quantum physics

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Atomic structure

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Characteristics of life

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Chemical Reactions

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Computer science

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Data and information

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Design elements

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Earth sciences

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Electricity and energy

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Electricity and magnetism

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