"Delta Phi"
Optical phenomenon: caustics. The surface of this object resembles that of moving water. Illuminated from above, it reflects incoming light rays in various…
2x2 Puzzle
Four cubes fit together in the box. Each cube has 4 quarter-pictures, one on each of 4 faces. The other two faces are transparent, BUT they look onto the…
A riddle for intelligent and patient people
Puzzles for the sharp-minded and patient. Trickier than it seems: these eleven puzzles with strings, boards, and rings are challenging. One of them cannot be…
Conway Cube
Test your spatial imagination. Assemble nine pieces to form a cube. Three 1x1x1 cubes and six 2x2x1 cuboids. It seems simple, what the renowned British…
Disappearing Ghost
The ghost disappears. Where did it go? The ghost reappears. Where did it come from? A puzzle made of three parts: one base element, two pieces to swap. How…
Ghost Images
"Triple Eye Lightsticks" Twelve multicolored, vertically arranged LED rods flicker. As the gaze slowly sweeps from left to right, images, text, and patterns…
Kaleidoscope Experiments 1 to 6
Oversized toy or mathematical puzzle? Six kaleidoscopes invite experimentation and reward with crystalline 3-D images. Each kaleidoscope is equipped with a…
Mirror Maze
Design a maze with Einstein’s image as it’s goal. At your disposal are five mirrors, many wall pieces, and your trial-and-error learning of the laws of…
Mirror Writing 1
Handedness of letters: Most letters of the Roman alphabet are asymmetrical both horizontally and vertically. But C, D and E look the same upside down, though…
Möbius Cube Loop
Infinite puzzle. The Möbius strip, assembled from cubes. The building blocks are cubes and corner pieces. The faces of the cubes are painted on their…
Golden rhombohedra. When correctly assembled, the various bodies (cubes stretched along their diagonals and cubes compressed along their diagonals) form a…
Rhombo Puzzle
Rhombo-dodecahedron from parallelepipeds. Twelve building blocks (each consisting of two connected parallelepipeds) can be assembled to form a…
Soma Cube
7 pieces = 1 cube. Each of the seven components of this large cube is a polycube. This means each piece consists of several small cubes. Spatial imagination…
Square Puzzle and the Square to Triangle-Conversion
Disassemble and reassemble – discrete geometry. Square puzzle: Nine square tiles of different sizes. Arranged correctly, they fit into an almost-square…
Frustratingly simple. Four pieces make up a puzzle. When placed correctly, they form the letter T. Child’s play. But: is this task really that easy?
Tetrahedron Puzzle I
Three-sided pyramid, puzzle with two pieces. Spatial imagination is required: when correctly combined, these two equally sized bodies form a…
Tetrahedron Puzzle II
Three-sided pyramid, puzzle with four pieces. Spatial imagination is required: when correctly combined, these four equally sized bodies form a…
Tetrahedron Puzzle III
This puzzle game is mainly about spatial imagination. Four (2 equal) bodies made of spheres are to be assembled to form a tetrahedron.
Tricky target well
This exhibit is not accessible during the winter months. Here you have to hit a target in the water with a water jet. To do this, you have to use your combined…
What does she say?
The McGurk Effect: hearing with your eyes. Four faces appear on a screen, speaking simultaneously. Depending on which face we focus on, we hear a different…
Wolf, Goat and Cabbage
Keep calm, ferryman! Task: transport cabbage, goat, and wolf to the other side of the river. Tricky, since only one other passenger fits on the ferry. The…
CSI Technorama – forensics
Regardless of whether it is a burglary, an accident or a felony, crime scene investigations always begin with securing the evidence. Are there fingerprints?…
Lighting effects in nature and the home – fluorescence
How can you light up fluorescent objects? Where do lighting effects occur? You extract fluorescent dyes from everyday objects like pudding mixes or laundry…
Unknown substance – chemical analysis
We come across numerous substances in the form of a white powder on a daily basis. Most of the time we can identify the powder by tasting it or smelling it,…
Optical Illusions
Scientific method