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10226 Haupt

Break the code

Qxpoa gvp pbuu: Cryptography. An encrypted text appears on the monitor. The challenge is to decrypt it with as few errors as possible. But there are over four…

11029 Haupt

Deep Walls

Shadows in motion - moving silhouettes. On a large projection surface, divided into 16 fields, shadow images move towards and away from each other. Each…

11855 Haupt

Digital puppet theatre

Connect the various motors, switches and plugs together and make all the figures dance to your will.

11938 Haupt


Brilliantly programmed: assign colors, define sequences. This tree lights up just the way you like it. Colors, gradients, frequencies, and sequences – you…

10040 Haupt

Population Growth

How fast – and where? Current population figures displayed on a world map, by continent and overall. For each continent, the counters show how many people…

11859 Haupt

Windy Pictures II

Wild Air: Selfie in the headwind. A fan blows air straight into your face. How does it affect you? The photo will show it, to you and your friends, as your…

10144 Haupt

Your Birthday in Pi

Ten million decimal places. Somewhere in π lies your birthday or your license plate number. This computer station can find any six-digit combination. At…


Mission possible - Roboter bauen

Euer Team aus Entdeckungsfreudigen und Wissenschaftsbegeisterten hat einen mysteriösen Planeten entdeckt. Eure Mission? Das Geheimnis lüften, ob hier Leben…

Kettenreaktions WS 19

Small building blocks, big effects: Design your chain reaction

A small impulse can change the world. The flap of a butterfly's wings that triggers a hurricane on the other side of the world, or the cry of a mountain…


Step by step - Language of the robots

Access to a foreign country is always through language. If we want to find our way around in this country and communicate, we have to learn its language. The…

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Optical Illusions

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Scientific method

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