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10525 Haupt

Chance Happenings

Capturing randomness – with dice. Four faces of these dice are white. The other two faces show a red circle. After each roll, the dice with the red circle…

10980 Haupt

Changeable Weather

How do you determine the average value of numerous individual measurements? Here, the average monthly rainfall can be determined experimentally.

10224 Detail

Conic Sections with Laser

Ellipse, parabola, hyperbolic branch, or hyperbolic arm: Cross-sections of a plane through a geometric body. In this case, a cone. A laser beam circling the…

11978 Hauot

Emotion detector

Measuring skin resistance. The skin resistance is influenced by the subject's emotions: the stronger the emotions, the lower the resistance. Here, the skin…

10209 Haupt

I am a function

Three steps forward, one step back. The point on the screen moves along. The curve displayed on the screen is the target. Goal: move closer, move away, and…

11118 1

Magic Wave Model

Magical wave in the stairwell – principle clearly explained. A rotating arm, cords, guide points, and straight metal segments create a wave-like motion that…

10495 Phänomen

Water Parabola

Parabola in a natural phenomenon. As the rotational speed of this container increases, the water surface inside curves. The faster it rotates, the steeper the…

Nano WS

Don't be so superficial! – Understand structures

How do plant leaves behave towards water? What does that have to do with surfaces and structures? And what can we learn about ourselves and our everyday life…


Erratic nature – excitation of atoms

Physics lessons in mainstream school education were extremely limited during the 20th century – especially when it came to expensive and complex experiments.…

Atome sehen 2

Have you ever seen an atom? – Atomic dimensions

Physics lessons in mainstream school education were extremely limited during the 20th century – especially when it came to expensive and complex experiments.…

Strahlende Einsichten

Radiant insights – radioactivity

CERN in Geneva, the catastrophe in Fukushima, new radiotherapies for treating cancer – atomic and nuclear physics are constantly discovering new findings that…


Tracking atoms – composition of matter

Physics lessons in mainstream school education were extremely limited during the 20th century – especially when it came to expensive and complex experiments.…

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Optical Illusions

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Scientific method

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