Aquatic animals - organisms in the stream and pond
When talking about animals in streams and ponds, children usually think of fish and frogs. The fact that there are other animals in these habitats that are…
Asseln unter der Lupe - inklusiv
Asseln sind bestimmt keine besonders beliebten Haustiere – umso mehr eignen sie sich aber als Einstieg in die Tierkunde. Was machen eigentlich Zoologen, deren…
CakeLab – function of baking ingredients
“Pat-a-cake pat-a-cake, baker’s man. Bake me a cake as fast as you can…” This popular nursery rhyme might be one way to bake a cake. But there are also other…
Discoveries in daily life – experiments with candles
The phenomena that can be observed with a lighted candle engender a wide range of topics in natural sciences. The flame of a candle not only fascinates us, it…
Don't be so superficial! – Understand structures
How do plant leaves behave towards water? What does that have to do with surfaces and structures? And what can we learn about ourselves and our everyday life…
Erratic nature – excitation of atoms
Physics lessons in mainstream school education were extremely limited during the 20th century – especially when it came to expensive and complex experiments.…
Genetic fingerprint - CSI
If the genetic makeup is roughly 99% the same among all humans, how is it possible to use DNA as a basis for convicting criminals beyond doubt? Is there a…
Happy hour on the ISS – water purification
Even astronauts on the International Space Station ISS enjoy drinking a Campari Soda from time to time – but where do they get the soda water from? There is no…
Have you ever seen an atom? – Atomic dimensions
In murky waters - bioindication
How do we actually know how healthy a body of water is? Researchers use biological diversity as a criterion for water quality, among other things. Based on the…
Pleased to meet me – DNA
Have you ever wondered what it is that makes you, you, with those ears and that eye colour? Have you ever looked at your DNA? What exactly is it and where do…
Powerbooster - Instrumental Analytics
A whole range of drinks such as coffee, energy drinks and coke contain caffeine. Even in small doses, this substance can temporarily eliminate tiredness and…
Pumps and pipelines – water transport in trees
Just like other plants, trees also need water to survive. But how do trees “drink”? How do they absorb water? And how do they transport it from their roots to…
Radiant insights – radioactivity
CERN in Geneva, the catastrophe in Fukushima, new radiotherapies for treating cancer – atomic and nuclear physics are constantly discovering new findings that…
Spark, flame, fire - optimize combustion
"Everything is completely burned, the poor child with skin and hair." The sad story of Paulinchen from Struwwelpeter is well known. And yet we are so…
The beauty in the beast – scientific methods
It is safe to say that isopoda (woodlice) are not the most popular pets – but they are all the more useful for zoology. What do zoologists actually do when…
Tracking atoms – composition of matter
Unknown substance – chemical analysis
We come across numerous substances in the form of a white powder on a daily basis. Most of the time we can identify the powder by tasting it or smelling it,…
Villa Kunterbung - Farbchemie inklusiv
Rot und gelb macht blau, widdewiddewitt und grau macht grün! Warum Rotkohl sowohl Blau als auch Rot sein kann, hat seinen Grund in der Chemie. Farben spielen…
Villa Villekulia – colour chemistry
Red and yellow make blue, diddle diddle dee, and grey makes green! The reason why red cabbage can be both red and blue has everything to do with…
Where am I? – Bioelectric orientation
Migratory birds find their way south by means of magnetoreception, bats create an “aural picture” of their surroundings by means of echolocation and certain…
Bean-Counter Evolution
Hunt for prey and discover the meaning of evolutionary “fitness” in this physically active group game. In this simulation game, teams of predators equipped…
Optical Illusions