Critical Angle
When does total reflection begin? Light usually travels in a straight line. What happens when it encounters a boundary surface? Depending on the angle of…
Image Relay
Face to face. Seeing your partner differently: how does your counterpart now appear to you when viewed through one, two, or three lenses? One of the four…
Light Island
Reflex – simply play with light. Direct light, mix light colors, experiment with the transparency of filters and materials, and explore refraction: freely…
Light Refraction
What paths does light take? Light travels in straight lines in a homogeneous medium like air or water. At the boundary between different materials, its…
Optical Lifting
More or less deep. Catching a fish with bare hands? A tricky task. Why? Where exactly is it swimming? Due to the refraction of light rays – when transitioning…
Pinhole Magnifier
Sharp vision without magnifying optics. A small hole, no glass – yet a working magnifier? It does! The tiny hole focuses light so that it hits the retina at…
Total Internal Reflection
Trapped light. A tip for the dear citizens of Schilda: here’s how you could have brought light into the windowless town hall! The method is based on a…
Laser Kiosk
"Lucid" experiments with an extraordinary light: what is a laser, actually?
Optical Illusions
Scientific method