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Angebot nach Schlagwort


10442 Haupt

A Table with loose Legs

Three, two, one – stable. How many supports do we need to stabilize a tabletop? Without screws, without glue, of course. Sharp-minded (and experimental)…

11809 Detail

Cold Test

Four degrees – only relatively cold. Touch the metal rods, please. Yes, they’re really cold. Almost painful. How painful is this brief contact? This…

11812 Haupt

Delayed Viewing

Acting and seeing with a time delay. Catching fish with a fishing line: normally, it’s simple enough, as the magnet on the line is easy to guide. But it gets…

210921 Fernhörer sim

Distant receiver

Big Ear. If the listening horn is well aligned, birds can be heard chirping even from far away. The large dish collects and focuses sound waves, amplifying…

11477 Haupt

Distorted Room (Ames Room)

Little one grows tall. An absolutely ordinary room, at least when viewed through the peephole. But wait, the little brother grows taller than the big sister…

10579 Illustration alt

Dual Mirror I

by James Seawright This work consists of 110 mirror tiles arranged into two concave surfaces. The radii of the concavities are the same, but the mirrors are…

11963 Phänomen

Human electrical circuit

Current flows through you. Several cubes with metal surfaces are placed near a larger cube. If you connect the surfaces of the cubes with your body, current…

11808 Haupt

I You Us

Five faces – one world. A stimulating exploration of themes such as freedom, feelings of belonging, or emotions like shyness or embarrassment: who will you…

10247 Haupt

Leonardo’s Bridge

Clever: How Leonardo da Vinci builds a lightweight bridge. No screws, no nails, no ropes; just a few planks. From these, he creates a sturdy bridge. An idea…

11760 Detail

Make two into one

A new look at familiar faces. Three of you are sitting at a table. One person is looking into two mirrors. With the right eye, they see the person sitting to…

11617 1

Marble track wall

Various tubes, wooden boards, cardboard strips, etc. can be attached to the large perforated walls with long wooden dowels. This creates very individual marble…

10315 Haupt

Penrose Parquet

Aperiodic pattern. In the aperiodic Penrose tiling, subpatterns repeat irregularly, even though shapes like hexagons or stars appear throughout. Using only…

11831 1

Seesaw pump

This exhibit is not accessible during the winter months. Using leverage and teamwork, you can move the hose here with your body weight so that water is pumped…

11988 Detail


Light becomes electric energy. The elements in this mobile each contain a solar cell and an electric motor. If you point the light of a lamp at one of the…

11842 Haupt

Suspension Bridge

Vibration Patterns. Experience resonance frequency: Walking across the suspension bridge sets it into oscillation. Depending on your movement, these…

11807 Haupt

You and I

Feelings of closeness. There’s a head, a face, just 35 centimeters away. A distance that normally belongs to the personal intimate zone. What sensations does…

Die Nase vom Vater 1

Your Father's Nose...

Share your face with someone else! Between the mirror strips you can look at the other person's face so that you can alternately "see" your own eyes, a foreign…

Anti Gravity Mirror DSC 6663 H1

Anti-Gravity Mirror

Learn how to fly with this neat mirror trick. A reflection of your right side can appear to be your left side. Try this activity and you'll appear to perform…

Groovy Sounds Main

Groovy Sounds

Build a paper-pencil-pin phonograph. In this classic activity, make a record player out of simple materials and listen to your favorite vinyl LP—no outlet…

Your Sense Of Taste Main

Your Sense of Taste

Discover the real taste of candy. Think of some of your favorite tastes: savory Thanksgiving turkey, buttery mashed potatoes, tangy cranberry sauce, and warmly…

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Optical Illusions

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Scientific method

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