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11749 Detail II

Coarse or Fine

Texture and perception. One hand strokes coarse sandpaper. The other hand strokes fine sandpaper. Then both hands simultaneously stroke sandpaper with medium…

11809 Detail

Cold Test

Four degrees – only relatively cold. Touch the metal rods, please. Yes, they’re really cold. Almost painful. How painful is this brief contact? This…

11794 Unused

Different Discs

Estimating and weighing. Visual context and the expectations it creates: wood is lighter than metal, obviously. Or is it? What weight do we expect when…

11962 Haupt

Feeling current

How strong is the effect of electricity? Here you can feel the sensation of electric current. To do this, you place two fingers on two contacts and increase…

11755 Haupt

Feeling Eyes

Sometimes round, sometimes oval. With eyes closed and explored by touch, the bowl feels oval. Viewed through the lens and touched, it appears – depending on…

11745 Haupt

Feeling for Weight

Form influences expectation. Size-weight illusion: the upper of two stacked boxes appears heavier than both boxes combined. Estimating weight and lifting: in…

11748 Haupt

Gentle Hands

Fine, yet coarse mesh. Perceiving structures: one hand strokes a coarse grid. The other hand strokes a fine mesh. Then both hands simultaneously stroke a grid…

11750 Detail

Hot - Cold

Can something be hot and cold at the same time? The copper coil is warm on one side and cold on the other. Our temperature receptors detect this immediately…

10412 Haupt

Rising or Falling

Interpreting signals of position and balance. When the platform lowers and the column elongates: how does the brain interpret the messages from tactile cells…

11629 Detail I

Rotating Tunnel

Hold on! Walking on solid ground, like on a swaying ship. Standing stable, walking upright on flat ground: nothing could be easier. Or is it? The rotating…

11764 Haupt

Sloping Room

And the ball rolls – uphill. Step right in! Are you standing steady? A normal room with normal furniture, and yet it creates a strange feeling. The reason is…

11795 Detail

The Eyes help you lift

This exhibit is about the conflict between the visual situation and what I expect from it, how the weights feel, and the feeling when I actually lift the…

11944 Haupt

The finest difference

How fine is your dexterity? Very fine: experience how this is defined for you with this exhibit. You can feel when something sticks out by ten millimeters.…

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Unsicherer Boden - Damen

Mountain Ridges and Valley Floors. The entire floor is covered with a film depicting dips and bumps. This creates the illusion of a completely wavy surface,…

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Unsicherer Boden - Herren

Mountain Ridges and Valley Floors. The entire floor is covered with a film depicting dips and bumps. This creates the illusion of a completely wavy surface,…

11739 Haupt

Wide of the Mark

Throwing a ball through a ring: easy. Even with these glasses? The glasses shift the field of vision. The ball is now likely to miss its target. By…

Cold Metal Main

Cold Metal

"Cold" metal and "warm" wood may be the same temperature. Your hand isn't always a good thermometer. When you touch a variety of materials, some will seem…

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Aggregate states

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Animals, plants, habitats

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Atomic and quantum physics

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Atomic structure

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Characteristics of life

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Chemical Reactions

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Computer science

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Data and information

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Design elements

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Earth sciences

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Electricity and energy

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Electricity and magnetism

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