Air Fountain
Dance with scarves. They rise and fall. Colorful scarves, moved by the airflow as if by an invisible hand. Choreography: visitors on the platform. by Daniel…
Ball in a Bowl
Particle accelerator. Hula hoop meets spinning coins: balls orbit inside the sphere. Circular movements propel the two balls onto their orbits within the…
Big Bounce
Oops – something’s taking off! A truly impulsive experiment: balls that bounce much higher than their starting point! The three differently sized balls move…
Blind Juggler
The Blind Juggler can juggle up to four balls at the same time without any sensors.
Bouncing (Steel) Ball
Ping-ping, not ping-pong. When a ping-pong ball drops onto the table, its sound is unmistakable. A tapping noise that grows quicker and quicker. This happens…
Reaching High. Pull the rope with the handle firmly downward – immediately, the flywheel pulls the rope and handle back up. It works like a yo-yo, but in…
Coupled pendulums
Transferring energy. Two identical pendulums, connected by a helical spring. When one pendulum is set in motion, its energy transfers. Soon, the previously…
Coupled Rotary Pendulums
Twisted oscillation. Two horizontally stacked rods with weights are connected by a steel strip. If one rod is displaced, it begins to oscillate. Soon, it…
Crushing Mill
Rolling in rotation. Three brass wheels rotate in a circle, like on a carousel. As they spin around their shared vertical axis, they are pulled toward the…
Electromagnetic cannon
Which ring flies the furthest? The electromagnetic cannon consists of a coil with an iron core that can be abruptly energised at the push of a button. If…
Electromagnetic railway
Electric current produces a magnetic field. A track with a magnetic toy train on it runs through a large coil. At the push of a button, current flows through…
Electrostatic dance
Polystyrene ballet. A plastic plate is rubbed against a leather surface and thus electrostatically charged. The plastic plate is then placed on a copper…
Fading Motion
The curve loses momentum. Sand flows from the pendulum onto a moving green belt. The sand writes curve after curve. Their radius becomes tighter and tighter.…
Falling Water
Splash! From the cube of the Wonder Bridge, five tons of water plunge into the void. Part of the water is propelled through a halfpipe, soaring well beyond…
Generator track
A magnet generates electric current. A track with a magnetic toy railway on it runs through a large coil. When the toy track is moved in the coil, a current…
Gravitational model or Energy Well
The potential well. Orbiting the gravitational center: once launched, the ball takes wide rounds. For minutes, it gradually accelerates. Its circles become…
High-voltage slide
Triboelectricity. A slide and its platform stand on several large insulators. Anyone who slides down is electrostatically charged. If you then touch the…
Higher and further
Water creates pressure. Water jets spray horizontally from the cylinder at different heights. The lower the nozzle, the higher the water pressure and the…
Hot heap
Life generates Heat. The living organisms contained in a compost heap, such as bacteria and fungi, break down dead organic material and thereby gain energy…
Magnetic diversity
«Visitor Magnet» There are many electromagnetic objects in this large box. Everyone can explore for themselves where the phenomena can be found and how they…
Maxwell’s Wheel
A giant yo-yo. Pretty big and quite heavy, this flywheel. As it spins, the textile band wraps around its hub. The band shortens and pulls the wheel…
Unattractive Survival. The leaves of the mimosa fold up as soon as you touch them. With this survival strategy the mimosa protects itself from predators,…
Pass and become
Everything gets Recycled. Skin beetles and their larvae feed on dead animals. They ensure that carcasses are rapidly decomposed and nutrients are…
Pedal generator
Generate electricity yourself. The pedal generator can make you sweat quite a bit just to boil a sip of water. How much (pedal) power do you think it takes…
RadiMax (MaxiWheel)
Infinity Top. Moment of inertia, angular momentum, and precession – a delightful interplay. Playing with the RadiMax requires some skill. On the wire-mesh…
Soft landing
Confidence in Eddy Currents. Here you can let yourself fall backwards and rely on the braking effect of eddy current. Two strong magnets are attached to a…
Light becomes electric energy. The elements in this mobile each contain a solar cell and an electric motor. If you point the light of a lamp at one of the…
Elements and their colors. Distinguishing individual hues from a color impression: it’s as challenging as identifying individual instruments in an orchestra.…
Triple-period pendulum
A tricky challenge. Situation: Three pendulums with strings of different lengths but identical swinging masses. Various weights are available to attach to the…
Erratic nature – excitation of atoms
Physics lessons in mainstream school education were extremely limited during the 20th century – especially when it came to expensive and complex experiments.…
Radiant insights – radioactivity
CERN in Geneva, the catastrophe in Fukushima, new radiotherapies for treating cancer – atomic and nuclear physics are constantly discovering new findings that…
Small building blocks, big effects: Design your chain reaction
A small impulse can change the world. The flap of a butterfly's wings that triggers a hurricane on the other side of the world, or the cry of a mountain…
Indicating Electrolysis
Breaking up (water) isn't hard to do. Break up water into hydrogen and oxygen gas with a simple electrolysis device, and use an acid-base indicator and a…
Tiny Hot Pile
Microbial decomposers heat things up. No yard? No problem. Make a mini indoor compost pile, and look for evidence of microbial metabolism.
Laser Kiosk
"Lucid" experiments with an extraordinary light: what is a laser, actually?
Natural History of a lightning flash
A superlative spectacle! Tension runs high in this fascinating play with voltages and currents causing lightning to flicker and copper wires to evaoprate.
Aggregate states
Animals, plants, habitats
Atomic and quantum physics
Atomic structure
Characteristics of life
Chemical Reactions
Computer science
Data and information
Design elements
Earth sciences
Electricity and energy
Electricity and magnetism