Accessible for people with visual disability

10228 Haupt

A riddle for intelligent and patient people

Puzzles for the sharp-minded and patient. Trickier than it seems: these eleven puzzles with strings, boards, and rings are challenging. One of them cannot be…

11490 Haupt

Adhesive Air

Coandă Effect: How shape, position, and surface influence airflow. The Coandă effect occurs when fluid or gas jets deviate from their original flow direction…

11747 Detail

Alike and unalike

The illusion of inequality. Two identical wooden arcs lie side by side. The inner one appears larger, but it isn’t. For circular arcs, the outer edge is…

10239 1

Ball in a Bowl

Particle accelerator. Hula hoop meets spinning coins: balls orbit inside the sphere. Circular movements propel the two balls onto their orbits within the…

10240 Haupt

Ball in a Bowl

Shorter path = faster to the goal? A question that occupied the best mathematicians three hundred years ago. This competition compares two parallel tracks,…

10035 Detail

Ball on water-beam

Drawn to the jet. Table tennis balls float on a water fountain: how is that possible? The ball doesn’t stay exactly in the center of the jet. It rotates…

11364 1

Ball sorting machine

Here, "touching wood" is taken literally. Pierre Andrès has not designed his creations to be looked at, but rather to be shifted and manipulated, leveraged and…

10034 Haupt

Beam Bridge

The simplest form, but not the most stable. This bridge demonstrates the forces acting on a straight beam when it is loaded and supported only at its two…

11577 Haupt

Bernoulli’s Elephant

by Paul Spooner 2016, Cabaret Mechanical Theatre, England What is a pink elephant doing at Technorama? The Bernoulli Elephant is a work by the artist Paul…

10207 1

Bouncing (Steel) Ball

Ping-ping, not ping-pong. When a ping-pong ball drops onto the table, its sound is unmistakable. A tapping noise that grows quicker and quicker. This happens…

10051 1


Reaching High. Pull the rope with the handle firmly downward – immediately, the flywheel pulls the rope and handle back up. It works like a yo-yo, but in…

10032 Haupt

Bridge the Gap

Building bridges is not so easy - especially when you are not allowed to use nails, screws or glue! Here you only have nine identical wooden blocks at your…

11826 1

Captured Cloud

Swirling Fog. Step into the cloud. It’s pleasantly cool inside. Will you find your way out? In the two half-shells, nozzles spray fine water droplets. It's…

10225 Phänomen

Catenary Arch

Building solid – like the Romans. An arch as a delicate structure: reconstructing what the Romans perfected. Understanding what gives their elegant arches…

10525 Haupt

Chance Happenings

Capturing randomness – with dice. Four faces of these dice are white. The other two faces show a red circle. After each roll, the dice with the red circle…

10980 Haupt

Changeable Weather

How do you determine the average value of numerous individual measurements? Here, the average monthly rainfall can be determined experimentally.

11749 Detail II

Coarse or Fine

Texture and perception. One hand strokes coarse sandpaper. The other hand strokes fine sandpaper. Then both hands simultaneously stroke sandpaper with medium…

11809 Detail

Cold Test

Four degrees – only relatively cold. Touch the metal rods, please. Yes, they’re really cold. Almost painful. How painful is this brief contact? This…

10059 Haupt

Conway Cube

Test your spatial imagination. Assemble nine pieces to form a cube. Three 1x1x1 cubes and six 2x2x1 cuboids. It seems simple, what the renowned British…

11495 Haupt

David versus Goliath

Who is stronger? Push the plunger down. Which of you feels like Goliath and which feels like David? The air pressure is the same in both cylinders. Their…

10526 Detail

Diced Snake

At some point, it’s probably going to work... All sixty dice lined up: what number shows the head of the snake? Now move forward by that number. Roll the…

11794 Unused

Different Discs

Estimating and weighing. Visual context and the expectations it creates: wood is lighter than metal, obviously. Or is it? What weight do we expect when…

210921 Fernhörer sim

Distant receiver

Big Ear. If the listening horn is well aligned, birds can be heard chirping even from far away. The large dish collects and focuses sound waves, amplifying…

10487 Haupt

Do they fit in the Box?

Too big. Or is it? The cube fits into the glass cube. Clear enough. But the pyramid, the star-shaped object? Too big. Some objects appear larger than they…

11843 1

Echo Pipe

Hello?! Shouting, calling, whistling, clapping – this tube answers. The returned sound is quite different from the original noise. How long does it take for…

10098 Haupt

Efron’s Dice

Loaded dice. The numbers on the faces of these four dice are nothing like what we’re used to. And they really get your brain working. The first player picks…

11982 Detail

Electromagnetic puppet theatre

Electricity moves magnets. Three stations each contain four coils whose frequency and phase shift can be adjusted. Figures with magnetic legs can be placed on…

11972 Haupt

Falling tiles

Braking with Eddy Currents. Various metal plates are dropped between two rows of magnets. The magnets generate eddy currents in the plates that slow them…

11962 Haupt

Feeling current

How strong is the effect of electricity? Here you can feel the sensation of electric current. To do this, you place two fingers on two contacts and increase…

11745 Haupt

Feeling for Weight

Form influences expectation. Size-weight illusion: the upper of two stacked boxes appears heavier than both boxes combined. Estimating weight and lifting: in…

11957 Detail

Field detector

Search for electromagnetic waves. The fields are made audible by loudspeakers on the detectors. They can be found especially in the vicinity of electronic…

10503 Detail

Find the Fish!

Fits, from head to fins. The fish, the wire frame next to the image, fits in only one spot into the pattern with the "water lilies." The pattern with many…

11816 Unused

Fragrance Memory

In a number of identical looking smelling containers there are pairs of different scents, pleasant and unpleasant. The task is to find these pairs. In…

11817 Detail

Fragrance Wheel of Fortune

Scent and emotion: what effect does each smell have? Spin the wheel and smell when it stops. As a "prize," pleasant or unpleasant scents. Delighted or…

11748 Haupt

Gentle Hands

Fine, yet coarse mesh. Perceiving structures: one hand strokes a coarse grid. The other hand strokes a fine mesh. Then both hands simultaneously stroke a grid…

11830 1

Get the wrong end of the stick?

Levers in Action. Can one person lift three others? On this seesaw, the lever works in your favor. Even if the others are much heavier, the seat plate « on…

10403 Haupt

Gothic Arch and Flying Buttress

With pillars and arches. Like in a cathedral: this is how forces act in a structure with a tall pointed arch and a system of buttresses. What significant…

11968 Haupt II

High-voltage slide

Triboelectricity. A slide and its platform stand on several large insulators. Anyone who slides down is electrostatically charged. If you then touch the…

11834 1

Higher and further

Water creates pressure. Water jets spray horizontally from the cylinder at different heights. The lower the nozzle, the higher the water pressure and the…

11750 Detail

Hot - Cold

Can something be hot and cold at the same time? The copper coil is warm on one side and cold on the other. Our temperature receptors detect this immediately…

11624 Detail

Hot heap

Life generates Heat. The living organisms contained in a compost heap, such as bacteria and fungi, break down dead organic material and thereby gain energy…

10208 Detail

Hyperbolic Slot

Straight rod passes through a curved slot. Impossible, that’s the first thought. But the experiment proves otherwise. The straight rod moves without contact…

11806 Haupt


The world in your head. A room free of distractions, without contrasts or contours: the entire field of vision is exposed to a single constant, homogeneous…

11808 Haupt

I You Us

Five faces – one world. A stimulating exploration of themes such as freedom, feelings of belonging, or emotions like shyness or embarrassment: who will you…

10216 Phänomen I

Infrared camera

Feel and See Heat Cold and warm: what we feel is transformed by the infrared camera into a colorful image. This makes temperatures – and temperature…

11823 Haupt

Jumping Water

If you observe the water hoppers in this exhibition object, you might ask yourself a few questions. Is solid water flying through the air here? And do all the…

11417 00 Klankkaatser Illu


Hello world? Shaped like a light bulb, resembling a spacecraft capsule: welcome to the Klankkaatser! Is anyone there? The sound waves don’t drift into space;…

11958 Phänomen

Kneading with magnets

Attractively repulsive. In a bowl there are two strong horn magnets and a large quantity of small iron discs. The iron discs become magnetised near the…

10247 Haupt

Leonardo’s Bridge

Clever: How Leonardo da Vinci builds a lightweight bridge. No screws, no nails, no ropes; just a few planks. From these, he creates a sturdy bridge. An idea…

10260 1

Lissajous Sounds

What sounds good also looks good. Two small mirrors oscillate at the same frequency as their respective speakers. The frequency of one mirror (and its…

10053 Haupt

Loose Stone Bridge

Brilliantly strong and simple. Loose stones, assembled in the correct order, form a bridge capable of bearing weight. Even in a small format, it can support…

10278 Haupt

Machine with Concrete / Machine set in Stone

The Eternity Machine. Twelve worm gear mechanisms for eternity! An impressive example of mathematics illustrated mechanically. With each successive gear, the…

11510 Detail II

Magdeburg hemispheres

Air out! Hemispheres become inseparable. Through vacuum pressure, two hemispheres joined into one cannot be separated anymore. The experiment of the mayor of…

11984 Haupt

Magnetic building blocks

Unconventional building blocks. There is a magnet in each of the different building blocks. Depending on the position of the poles, the building blocks can…

11959 Haupt II

Magnetic repulsion

North pole against north pole. A slight change in the distance between two magnets has a major effect on the force between them. The closer they come, the…

10288 Haupt

Möbius Cube Loop

Infinite puzzle. The Möbius strip, assembled from cubes. The building blocks are cubes and corner pieces. The faces of the cubes are painted on their…

10289 Haupt

Moebius Strip

Loop without end. Most things have two sides, but not everything. Among the exceptions is the Möbius strip. When we ride along it with a small train, we…

10087 1

Momentum Machine

Pirouette – an elegant trick. Sometimes fast, sometimes slow, and then breathtakingly fast again – and all these variations in a fluid movement. How do…

11970 Haupt

Musical antenna

Play with the Field. A large antenna registers the changes in its own electric field when people enter it. The changes are made audible as sounds. In this…

11844 1

Musical Cloudburst

Dry Shower. What’s hitting the umbrella? It’s music! The intensity of the water jet determines the note. The umbrella acts as a loudspeaker. ❄️ Technorama…

11793 Detail

Never-Ending Scale

When the scale descends infinitely… Listen closely, press a key, then the next – and compare. At first glance, identifying the highest note seems easy. Which…

10455 Haupt

Non-round Wheels

And yet they roll! With the right rolling surface, even a square rolls perfectly round. This applies to a pentagon as well as to any other regular…

11848 1

Obstinate Swing

Let it swing. One person sits still, while one or two others start swinging. Soon, the seated person begins to oscillate as well. These swings, connected by…

11961 Illustration

Pedal generator

Generate electricity yourself. The pedal generator can make you sweat quite a bit just to boil a sip of water. How much (pedal) power do you think it takes…

10315 Haupt

Penrose Parquet

Aperiodic pattern. In the aperiodic Penrose tiling, subpatterns repeat irregularly, even though shapes like hexagons or stars appear throughout. Using only…

10334 Detail

Pin Screen

200,000 needles – a fakir’s delight. Two hundred thousand needles suspended in a perforated board. They beg to be stroked. No pain involved. These needle tips…

11964 Detail

Pins in a magnetic field

Reverse the polarity of the earth. Inside a transparent sphere is a very strong magnet. Iron pins can be held or placed outside the sphere. These align…

10364 Haupt

Pythagoras’ Theorem - Easy to weigh up!

a² + b² = c² with stars and bunnies. The square of the hypotenuse and the squares of the legs can be weighed against each other, as they are made of identical…

10346 Haupt


Golden rhombohedra. When correctly assembled, the various bodies (cubes stretched along their diagonals and cubes compressed along their diagonals) form a…

10355 Haupt

Rhombo Puzzle

Rhombo-dodecahedron from parallelepipeds. Twelve building blocks (each consisting of two connected parallelepipeds) can be assembled to form a…

10412 Haupt

Rising or Falling

Interpreting signals of position and balance. When the platform lowers and the column elongates: how does the brain interpret the messages from tactile cells…

11006 1


Strong Like Obelix! This "menhir" weighs five tons – yet you can move it effortlessly. The secret? The rod is perfectly mounted inside the stone, allowing it…

10088 1

Rotating Chair with Bicycle Wheel Gyroscope

Turning left: pull the handlebars to the right. When initiating a left turn on the bicycle, we pull the handlebars slightly to the right. At a certain speed,…

10089 Drehstuhl mit elektrischem Doppelkreisel Haupt

Rotating Chair with electric double Gyroscope

Disk in motion. Chair with spin. The station drives the two disks of the double gyroscope. If both rotate in the same direction, the rotating chair…

11629 Detail I

Rotating Tunnel

Hold on! Walking on solid ground, like on a swaying ship. Standing stable, walking upright on flat ground: nothing could be easier. Or is it? The rotating…

11764 Haupt

Sloping Room

And the ball rolls – uphill. Step right in! Are you standing steady? A normal room with normal furniture, and yet it creates a strange feeling. The reason is…

11315 Detail

Small Pin Screen

Impression and imprint. Press the pins to create a three-dimensional representation. Hand imprint or greeting message? Both. The image is quickly erased – and…

11746 Detail

Smell Habituation

Even strong scents fade eventually. In a mixture of a strong and a weak scent, we only smell the strong one – the dominant scent. If we smell the strong scent…

11953 Haupt

Soft landing

Confidence in Eddy Currents. Here you can let yourself fall backwards and rely on the braking effect of eddy current. Two strong magnets are attached to a…

10395 Haupt

Soma Cube

7 pieces = 1 cube. Each of the seven components of this large cube is a polycube. This means each piece consists of several small cubes. Spatial imagination…

11956 Haupt

Sorting machine

Separation using Eddy Currents. The sorting machine uses magnets to sort different coins according to their conductivity. To do this, the magnets are moved…

10345 Detail

Square Puzzle and the Square to Triangle-Conversion

Disassemble and reassemble – discrete geometry. Square puzzle: Nine square tiles of different sizes. Arranged correctly, they fit into an almost-square…

11842 Haupt

Suspension Bridge

Vibration Patterns. Experience resonance frequency: Walking across the suspension bridge sets it into oscillation. Depending on your movement, these…

10448 Haupt


Frustratingly simple. Four pieces make up a puzzle. When placed correctly, they form the letter T. Child’s play. But: is this task really that easy?

10437 Haupt

Tetrahedron Puzzle I

Three-sided pyramid, puzzle with two pieces. Spatial imagination is required: when correctly combined, these two equally sized bodies form a…

10438 Haupt

Tetrahedron Puzzle II

Three-sided pyramid, puzzle with four pieces. Spatial imagination is required: when correctly combined, these four equally sized bodies form a…

10439 Haupt

Tetrahedron Puzzle III

This puzzle game is mainly about spatial imagination. Four (2 equal) bodies made of spheres are to be assembled to form a tetrahedron.

10071 Haupt

Th shortest Way is not always the quickest

Marble race. Three tracks with the same height difference and the same horizontal distance, but different curves: the straight path is the shortest,…

11795 Detail

The Eyes help you lift

This exhibit is about the conflict between the visual situation and what I expect from it, how the weights feel, and the feeling when I actually lift the…

11944 Haupt

The finest difference

How fine is your dexterity? Very fine: experience how this is defined for you with this exhibit. You can feel when something sticks out by ten millimeters.…

11752 Detail

The Odours of Things

Seeing, smelling, evaluating. Cheese? Pleasant. Smelly socks? Unpleasant! Correct – but not here. Visual context strongly influences how smells are perceived.

11833 1

Tit for tat

This exhibit is not accessible during the winter months. When it stands still, this "water carousel" actually looks quite normal. However, when the carousel is…

11994 Haupt

Top chair

Lean back and spin around. As beautiful as a sculpture – and it sets everyone spinning, this chair. It rocks. It rotates. Or simply remains still. by Thomas…

10451 Haupt

Towers of Hanoi

Rearranging – how many moves does it take? Five disks stacked on a pole, arranged from largest to smallest. These five disks need to be moved to one of the…

10246 Lassokette Haupt

Travelling Chain

«Travelling Chain» A fleeting, playful touch of the moving bicycle chain – and it performs surprising twists or gentle, artistically elegant wave motions. by…

10041 Haupt

Treadmill After Effect

This experiment consists of three parts, a pilot phase, an experimental phase and a test phase. In the pilot phase, people "jog" in place for 30 seconds with…

11430 1

Triad - metal, stone, wood

This exhibit is not accessible during the winter months. It is amazing what sound is produced by striking the stone slabs, the metal pipes and the wooden…

11829 Illustration

Tricky target well

This exhibit is not accessible during the winter months. Here you have to hit a target in the water with a water jet. To do this, you have to use your combined…

11751 Haupt

Vomit, Grass and Candyfloss

Different scents, a surprising sum. Scents evoke specific feelings, moods, and memories in us. How they are perceived and judged varies individually and…

10497 Detail

Water Bell

Like an elastic skin. Water flows upward against a flat surface. Diverted outward, it forms a bell shape. The shape of this bell depends on the pressure of…

11839 1

Water film

Clinging Water. A daily phenomenon displayed in its most beautiful form: why doesn’t the water simply drip off the silver mushroom? Molecular interactions…

11841 1

Water Music

This exhibit is not accessible during the winter months. Here you can become musicians and compose your own personal water music! Find out for yourself how the…

10190 1

Wave Machine

Hier wird "Holz anfassen" beim Wort genommen. Nicht zum Anschauen, sondern zum Schalten und Walten, zum Hebeln und Kurbeln, zum Treten und Klappern hat Pierre…

10161 Haupt

Weird Wheels

Not round, but it rolls round. These discs aren’t round, but when they roll, their axis stays at the same height: solids of constant width. Disc-shaped bodies…

11440 1

Whisper Route

Amplifying Sound. Clearly understandable, even from forty meters away, what your conversation partner is saying. Receiving/Listening: One of the satellite…

11328 1

Wind Machine

This exhibit is not accessible during the winter months. A gentle breeze, a stiff wind or even a storm - you hear it all the time, but have you ever…

10482 Haupt I

Wobbly Bridge I Arch Bridge / Wobbly Bridge II Suspension Bridge

Suspension bridge – an arch bridge viewed from a different angle and subjected to a different load. Resembling a suspension bridge, the chain bridge reflects…

10519 Haupt

Wolf, Goat and Cabbage

Keep calm, ferryman! Task: transport cabbage, goat, and wolf to the other side of the river. Tricky, since only one other passenger fits on the ferry. The…

10197 1

Wooden machine A

Here, "touching wood" is taken literally. Pierre Andrès has not designed his creations to be looked at, but rather to be shifted and manipulated, leveraged and…

10201 1

Wooden machine B

Here, "touching wood" is taken literally. Pierre Andrès has not designed his creations to be looked at, but rather to be shifted and manipulated, leveraged and…

Holzmaschine C

Wooden machine C

Here, "touching wood" is taken literally. Pierre Andrès has not designed his creations to be looked at, but rather to be shifted and manipulated, leveraged and…

10189 1

Wooden machine D

Here, "touching wood" is taken literally. Pierre Andrès has not designed his creations to be looked at, but rather to be shifted and manipulated, leveraged and…

10195 1

Wooden machine E

Here, "touching wood" is taken literally. Pierre Andrès has not designed his creations to be looked at, but rather to be shifted and manipulated, leveraged and…

Holz F

Wooden machine F

Here, "touching wood" is taken literally. Pierre Andrès has not designed his creations to be looked at, but rather to be shifted and manipulated, leveraged and…

10832 Holzmaschine G Haupt

Wooden machine G

Here, "touching wood" is taken literally. Pierre Andrès has not designed his creations to be looked at, but rather to be shifted and manipulated, leveraged and…

10203 1

Wooden machine H

Here, "touching wood" is taken literally. Pierre Andrès has not designed his creations to be looked at, but rather to be shifted and manipulated, leveraged and…

10204 1

Wooden machine I

Here, "touching wood" is taken literally. Pierre Andrès has not designed his creations to be looked at, but rather to be shifted and manipulated, leveraged and…

10202 Holzmaschine L Haupt

Wooden machine L

Here, "touching wood" is taken literally. Pierre Andrès has not designed his creations to be looked at, but rather to be shifted and manipulated, leveraged and…

10199 1

Wooden machine M

Here, "touching wood" is taken literally. Pierre Andrès has not designed his creations to be looked at, but rather to be shifted and manipulated, leveraged and…

10198 1

Wooden machine N

Here, "touching wood" is taken literally. Pierre Andrès has not designed his creations to be looked at, but rather to be shifted and manipulated, leveraged and…

11047 Holzmaschine O Haupt

Wooden machine O

Here, "touching wood" is taken literally. Pierre Andrès has not designed his creations to be looked at, but rather to be shifted and manipulated, leveraged and…

10191 1

Wooden machine P

Here, "touching wood" is taken literally. Pierre Andrès has not designed his creations to be looked at, but rather to be shifted and manipulated, leveraged and…

10192 Holzmaschine Q Haupt

Wooden machine Q

Here, "touching wood" is taken literally. Pierre Andrès has not designed his creations to be looked at, but rather to be shifted and manipulated, leveraged and…

10194 1

Wooden machine R

Here, "touching wood" is taken literally. Pierre Andrès has not designed his creations to be looked at, but rather to be shifted and manipulated, leveraged and…

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Wooden machine S

Here, "touching wood" is taken literally. Pierre Andrès has not designed his creations to be looked at, but rather to be shifted and manipulated, leveraged and…

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Wooden machine T

Here, "touching wood" is taken literally. Pierre Andrès has not designed his creations to be looked at, but rather to be shifted and manipulated, leveraged and…

11807 Haupt

You and I

Feelings of closeness. There’s a head, a face, just 35 centimeters away. A distance that normally belongs to the personal intimate zone. What sensations does…

Workshop Kalt kälter

Kalt, kälter, schockfrosten - inklusiv

Ein Glace gefällig? Wir verwenden nur natürliche Zutaten und frosten diese mit flüssigem Stickstoff (minus 196 °C!) in Nullkommanix zu einer fruchtigen…

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Accessibile for people with cognitive disability

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Accessible for people in wheelchair

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Accessible for people with hearing disability

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Leichte Sprache

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Little fine motor skills required

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